Friday, June 3, 2011

oscar de la hoya house

oscar de la hoya house. Oscar De La Hoya gets less
  • Oscar De La Hoya gets less

  • Diode
    Mar 23, 01:54 PM
    I thought other players were also offering such technology... Hows airplay any different ? :cool:

    Unless they want to copyright the term "AirPlay"

    The difference is Apple get's $4 per device and the manufacturer has a widespread of devices that people already have ready to use with it.

    I say it's a win/win

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya wife. oscar
  • oscar de la hoya wife. oscar

  • robanga
    Apr 13, 10:27 PM
    I tend to use all the office apps and go back and fourth depending on needs. The exception is PowerPoint for Windows, I don't use that very much.

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya wallpaper.
  • oscar de la hoya wallpaper.

  • kainjow
    Apr 25, 10:54 PM
    I am looking for the full schedule for the developer conference. Specifically, I need to know when we will be done on Friday. This will help me book my tickets back to my town. Can someone help me with this? ( If there is another thread specifically about the developer conference, please point me to that as well. )

    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya pics.
  • oscar de la hoya pics.

  • jabbott
    Mar 10, 10:30 PM
    Classic B&W mountain photography is probably my favorite of all time. I can just stare at Bradford Washburn's photos for days. I think you did really well here and I enjoyed this one for sure. My only complaint is that the right side left me wanting more, like we weren't quite finished with the ridge.

    Thanks for the feedback. It was a challenging mountain to frame as it was the first of many other peaks off to the right. Here is a broader view of Jones Peak and the adjacent peaks to the right... to me this takes away the focus from the alternating snowy/dark areas of Jones Peak, and it also seems unfinished on the right:
    1/640s, f/7.1, 70mm, ISO 100
    EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

    Just for grins, here is a shot of the Collegiate Peaks at 10mm focal length... and it still appears unfinished on the right. :eek: I guess I should have done what my sidekick did and just take a panorama. :)
    1/320s, f/10, 10mm, ISO 100
    10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM


    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya house. oscar
  • oscar de la hoya house. oscar

  • -SD-
    Jul 20, 02:56 PM
    Ok, so it's not white then....

    The 4GB Arcade S has been confirmed ( Matte black finish without silver trim.


    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya pictures.
  • oscar de la hoya pictures.

  • Archmagination
    Sep 26, 01:10 PM
    Is it me or do most of the people who posted in this thread don't know how to read?

    Apple ISN'T OBJECTING TO USING THE WORD PODCAST What they are doing is trying to stop this company from doing things like marketing ipodcast and things like that.. AGAIN APPLE SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED THAT PODCAST WAS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THEIR CEASE AND DESIST REQUEST.


    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya.
  • oscar de la hoya.

  • alfmil
    Apr 24, 03:20 AM
    I'm just waiting for Lion to come out, then I am buying an 11" MBA. However, I would like to see a Thunderbolt port next to the power port so I won't have to stretch cables to both sides of the MBA when using a Cinema Display.

    My guess is that if there is a Thunderbolt port, and the Cinema Display is updated to utilize a Thunderbolt cable, the USB cable would be unnecessary. That would be pretty slick.

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya house.
  • oscar de la hoya house.

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 19, 05:27 PM
    The earliest I could get there is about 2:30, damned lectures! Don't know if that's too early or too late for any potential cool stuff! How big were the queues for Tiger, does anyone know?


    oscar de la hoya house. 3 Comments / Nov 16.09 / TV
  • 3 Comments / Nov 16.09 / TV

  • calculus
    Nov 2, 10:57 AM
    Whilst it's good to see Apple gaining some market share there is a part of me that does not want them to gain too much. I worry that if they ever become mass market that they will lose some of their uniqueness.

    oscar de la hoya house. elected to the House of
  • elected to the House of

  • calcvita
    Apr 5, 06:43 PM
    Its actually a quite clever design and means that the iProducts 30pin connector can be relevant for many more years to come.

    can you please explain to me (or provide a link where it's explained) the benefits of using a 30 pin connector in comparison to a usb port? is it maybe so that apple can sell more adaptors? (i'm not sarcastic on this one, i'd really like to know)


    oscar de la hoya house. Oscar#39;s wife and their kids:
  • Oscar#39;s wife and their kids:

  • Mr. Anderson
    Sep 12, 03:27 PM
    We just need a new chip - g5, power4, what ever. We need a chip that can go head to head against the Wintel world and not rely on 2 processors to try and keep up (and even now, this isn't working)

    Its very frustrating and I hope Apple will all make us happy sometime soon.


    oscar de la hoya house. Oscar De La Hoya
  • Oscar De La Hoya

  • realtwang
    Apr 20, 01:34 PM
    Maybe a little off topic, but could we *please* do something about the auto-play videos on these stories. Not that they're not great videos, but it's annoying as hell when you bring up this page a few times a day...:mad:


    oscar de la hoya house. Oscar De La Hoya
  • Oscar De La Hoya

  • Hurd111
    Mar 4, 11:40 PM

    oscar de la hoya house. Tagged with: Oscar De La Hoya,
  • Tagged with: Oscar De La Hoya,

  • citizenzen
    Apr 13, 01:00 PM
    A business can not choose it's customers, a business takes all the custom it can get to make a profit and pay it's employees...

    A business that pick and chooses it's cutomers based upon the customers personality traits would soon go out of business.

    I wonder why I often see signs like this in stores ...


    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya mayweather.
  • oscar de la hoya mayweather.

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 09:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Anything beats the embarrassment that Apple has in the current iOS.

    ? Is the weather nice where you live ?

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya house.
  • oscar de la hoya house.

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 09:09 AM
    Somehow, I knew you would reply like you did. Again, I have a job in an actual data center as a systems administrator. Let me tell you, I know the real story. ;) And it's not just my company. Go take a look around and see how many shops use Windows to run their SAP environnements. Their peoplesoft stuff. Heck, just their lowly Oracle installations.

    And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.

    Phht...what a cop out dude. Now you're gonna booey unix based on specific software, designed for unix, among specific personal networks of colleagues. You can tell your "real story" to IDC and hope they change their market research methods! :rolleyes:


    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya net worth
  • oscar de la hoya net worth

  • pmz
    Oct 6, 05:15 PM
    I'd be very happy if my iPhone were 4 or 4.5 "

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya house.
  • oscar de la hoya house.

  • redgaz26
    Jul 7, 06:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    might join you there. I'm in Filey the now. What time does o2 open at????

    oscar de la hoya house. oscar de la hoya wife pictures
  • oscar de la hoya wife pictures

  • HexMonkey
    May 31, 05:04 AM
    Overly-general guidelines based on the number of articles is poor structure, if it gets vastly overcrowded then new subcategories should be used very sparingly, but without subsubcategories, a user won't have to click through more than 3 times to get to the article they want from the Guides page, Top Category>Subcategory>Article, and potentially most of the time, two, Top Category>Article, or they'll just search it out which is the most likely, but that doesn't mean a decent hierarchy should be given up since it allows the user to just browse articles of interest.

    I don't think the number of clicks is the best metric here. If there are hundreds of articles in a category, it takes a long time to skim through the list of them. If you can spend a few extra seconds narrowing down what you're looking for, it can be much faster to find something.

    Mar 17, 05:14 AM
    �6/gallon here in he UK, or �1.32/L :mad:

    Remember a US Gallon is different than a UK one. So it's closer to �5 or around $8. Still awfully high, but not quite as bad as some make out.

    Oct 26, 12:30 PM
    Just got my family pack plus t-shirt from Regent Street. I got in the queue at 4.40.

    Mar 25, 08:36 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    Apr 17, 11:57 AM
    This seems to be the fastest way to get going:

    sqlite3 is installed on OS/X, so you can skip the downloading and setup. Once you understand SQL commands and can make sqlite3 work you can move to a larger client/server SQL if you need to.

    redeye be
    Jun 2, 03:09 AM
    I first thought this whole Folding thing had to do with laundry.
    Once they've learnt enough i guess they would be able to use the knowledge in other fields of science, maybe even the cleaning sciences if you find this more important than the health aspect.

    So you were seriously interseted in a widget about folding laundry?
    :p :D ;)

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