Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • Carrie Underwood hairstyles

  • ccharlton
    Mar 18, 03:21 PM
    Hey guys,

    1st post. Wanted to see if there are any methods for allowing non-WPA2 Enterprise clients to access my wireless LAN without having to import the certificate and authenticate with username/password. Perhaps filtering by MAC address.

    All my PC's and Mac's are working fine but I have a Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and a Sony Bravia TV that connect wirelessly.


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  • Carrie Underwood Hairstyles

  • justinfreid
    May 1, 12:10 AM
    Earlier this week I received an email with 2 keys, and will gladly give one away.
    I used one for myself and I'm JJJ.fff on

    Here's how to get my second key:
    Follow me on Twitter (@JustinFreid), and @reply me with why you should get it. I'll give my extra key to the person who convinces me he or she most deserves it.

    There are 3 stipulations:

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  • Hairstyle magazines photos

  • cornfedgrowth
    Nov 14, 11:26 AM
    This is pretty sweet, and a good deal for apple, but i'd rather see airlines spend the money on putting standard outlets at each seat. Then i can charge my Macbook Pro, iPod, cellphone, camcorder or bring along a big firewire drive to get a start on my video editing with, ect. From the airlines point of view, i think it makes more sense to install something that most passengers would find useful instead of something that only Apple users find useful.

    If this does happen tho, good for apple.

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  • Carrie Underwood Hairstyle

  • wilburpan
    Sep 22, 07:15 AM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster

    I wouldn't say that 800MHz G4 would match 1.8GHz. Notice the 1.25GHz they used is *DUAL* processor 1.25GHz. Maybe *DUAL* 800MHzs.
    Here's the link to their rating of an iMac 800MHz G4 and a 1.8Ghz P4, which puts the two within shouting distance of each other.


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  • Carrie Underwood Prom

  • PYR0M310N
    Oct 18, 12:45 PM
    Should hopefully be there. Finish college at 4 so will probably get in about half 5.

    Might buy a macbook or maybe just Leo and save up for a MBP. Not sure yet.

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  • Carrie Underwood in Cute Side

  • TrickyTree1984
    Mar 13, 01:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I wonder, given warning, will apple sort this out before the rest if the world moves to Summer time. They knew for winter and didn't fix it!


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  • Hairstyle from Carrie

  • Keleko
    Mar 5, 04:10 PM
    I saw some of the difficulties in cropping this, and wondered if an oval crop would help. Once I started playing with it, then I started really seeing the ovals/circles: chips, cups, table, his hat, her glasses, tomatoes. And I saw the rectangles: floor tiles, trays, paper dishes. More contrasts! After experimenting with the oval crop, it felt right to put this within a rectangle frame --another contrast, and it makes me feel more like I'm sneaking a peek at this couple, as Keleko did when shooting this pict.

    What do you think?

    I think it feels a little too tight for me. It might work if it was more room in it, though. I saw someone else disagreed with the oval, though. Anyone else have thoughts?

    (Keleko: I saw some of your other flickr photos from this day. Some good candidates for the Surrealism contest!)

    Dang, I already posted one from a long while ago for the contest. I didn't think any of the museum shots fit the surreal theme. Which ones did you think were a good fit? (You can PM them to me if you prefer.)

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  • MacRumors
    Nov 14, 08:32 AM (

    Apple has announced a partnership with a number of airlines ( to provide in-flight iPod integration during flights.

    In-flight iPod connectivity will be available to Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United passengers beginning in mid 2007. Additionally, Apple is working with Panasonic Avionics Corporation to bring even more leading airlines in-flight iPod connectivity in the future.

    According to the press release, these six airlines will begin offering their passengers iPod seat connections which power and charge their iPods during flight and allow the video content on their iPods to be viewed on the their seat back displays. The press release did not specify whether the iPod integration would be a first-class accommodation, as presumably that designation would be up to the individual airlines.


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  • Carrie Underwood Hairstyle

  • asphalt-proof
    Oct 18, 08:09 AM
    This was the funniest thing I've read all week.

    I've been in insurance training, and in addition to financial people, there's been some, uh, "Desparate Housewives" getting their insurance licenses, and I'm picturing them passing around a poor phone and a bedazzler during class now. :eek:

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  • prom hairstyles half up curly.

  • aegisdesign
    Aug 14, 10:36 AM
    Worst Apple ads ever. You attract more flies with sugar than vinegar, and Apple's all about the vinegar.

    And even more flies with ****. But who wants flies?


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  • Carrie Underwood Celebrity

  • ThaDoggg
    Mar 28, 09:49 AM
    Looking forward to this event. Will be great to stream some of these conferences after they happen.

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  • Gold89
    Jun 18, 05:34 PM
    And this is just the front�



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  • Carrie Underwood is a friendly

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 8, 10:46 PM
    It's temporary just to avoid the shutdown. A government shutdown so that Tea Partiers can push their conservative social agenda wouldn't go over too well.

    What does temporary mean exactly? I mean if Obama has said he isn't signing any more exceptions.

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  • Carrie+Underwood in 2009

  • ct2k7
    May 2, 08:19 PM
    The guy is dead, and not smelling like roses at the moment, so take your samples and dump the carrion.

    The problem is, is that your government is saying things, then going back on it. Nothing is making much sense.


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  • Carrie Underwood Hair Styles

  • neonart
    Nov 21, 05:28 PM
    Does this mean we might actually see a 3GHz G5 Powerbook? :rolleyes:

    I know really. I could see the tagline now:

    The new PowerBook G5. Power cords are a thing of the past.

    Yea, kinda cheesy, but you get the idea. :)

    ARRGGGH! You guys beat me to it.

    I was certain we were getting G5 Powerbooks on Tuesday based on this news.:D

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  • Carrie Underwood is wearing

  • Nermal
    Jun 11, 12:41 PM
    Why on earth did T-Mobile decide to build out a network that was so strange that no one else isues it and basically phones are going to have custom radios in them to work.

    If T-Moblie used more of a stardard frequency, they would be running MILLIONS of iPhones right now even though you can't buy one from T-Mobile.

    Operators need to buy rights to spectrum, and there are practical limits to the number of operators that can use a particular chunk of spectrum. T-Mobile can't use the more "standard" frequencies because they don't have licenses for them, and additional licenses may not be available.

    Of course, if you really want to use an iPhone on T-Mobile, you can get an unlocked one and run it on GSM.


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  • Carrie Underwood Hairstyles

  • kd5jos
    Jun 19, 09:06 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB? (or the up to 2 TB). Otherwise if you format it with the old formats you are stuck on the same limits as you would with ad SDHC card..

    Sort of.

    Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.

    If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.

    This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).

    Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.

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  • Carrie Underwood Half up Half

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 8, 11:07 AM
    These greedy right-wingers refusing to cut the corporate handouts and raise taxes are going to force financial hardship on hundreds of thousands of people if there's a shut-down. They need to put their zealotry aside for a moment, and realize that the revenue has to be fixed. now. $Trillions in debt? And they want to spend more on bull #$%& missiles and planes? Talk about clueless. When you're this far in debt, you can't afford to flush more money down the toilet on controversial programs like defense, etc.

    Fixed that for you. Because it, you know, goes both ways n' stuff. :rolleyes:

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  • Carrie Underwood Hairstyle

  • IBradMac
    Aug 19, 01:00 PM
    3.2.1 has been pushed out from the App Store.

    Still doesn't work. Pointless update.

    Mar 23, 01:39 PM
    how bout let's make sure that airplay video playback works first before you try to license it out. has not work from day 1 on my appletv

    Apr 5, 10:24 AM
    All this post does is make him sound like you can barely handle the iPad. if that is the case, don't get a Xoom, way to advanced for you, you know things like widgets and usb
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    Aug 14, 10:13 PM
    I thought Justin Long was great in Jeepers Creepers, along with Gina Phillips (who played his sister) and of course Jonathan Breck (The Creeper).

    That is one scary flick. :eek:

    Apr 18, 12:58 AM
    Hope to see you join the team GSX, if you don't won't to run it 24/7 don't just have the client on when you use the computer. It is designed so that you do not notice a decrease in speed when using the client.

    Great to know the the project is open, I never gave it that much thought :o Still even if it was run at a profit the fact is a cure has still occured :)

    Nov 14, 05:21 PM
    Charles Carroll, a devout Roman Catholic, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.:rolleyes:

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