Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • AB1275
    12-12 01:03 PM
    I didn't read the RFE but the lawyer said they have requested for Audited Financial Statements which my company does not have.

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  • lalithkx
    06-06 05:52 PM
    Job should be same or similar responsibilities and salary

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  • 21stIcon
    09-21 11:21 AM
    RTC is going to buy mortgage paper for market rate not for actual worth which would destroy banks balance sheets and dollar value.

    Housing market did not stabilize until 1995, housing picked up due to late 1990's IT boom , so RTC would not stop plunging housing market , housing correction still years away.

    anticipate sluggish GDP for years which would translate into bad income growth, housing would not improve when personal income deflates.

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  • mihird
    07-20 05:43 PM
    But my question is can you have BOTH of them. Some say you can have 2 H1s at the same time for different companies, so hence my question was, can you have an H1 and an L1 at the same time.

    Biju, whom did you ask, an immigration attorney or just on forums?

    A concurrent H1 and L1 should be doable too...much like two concurrent H1s...

    As long as you meet the requirements of the two visa categories, you should be able to hold both concurrently...

    My knowledge on L1 is limited, but I thought, unlike H1, L1 was not as much a dual intent required evidence of some times to the foreign domicile..although, I could be wrong...I faintly remember the laws governing L1 were signficantly changed a couple of years back...

    In short, if L1 is not much of a dual intent as H1, you might have trouble getting the two approved concurrently, but if they are equally dual intent, getting them concurrently shouldn't be a problem...


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  • digital2k
    08-03 06:27 PM

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  • satishku_2000
    06-03 04:32 AM
    Keith Ellison, Congressman from MN was in Milwaukee, WI today.
    I had a chance to meet with him on a small gathering for his fund raiser.

    He is a member of Judiciary commitee.

    We asked him questions on how to become more active in Politics, how Congress works etc etc.

    He gave a good example:
    He said politicians are like a mom with many kid is labor union asking for help for their issues, other is teachers union etc etc.
    And if one kid is shy and does not say anything then he is not going to get anything.

    Point is very simple, Congress needs to heard like crazy from legal Immigrants about issues. So please on Mon during lunch call your congressman every day for next week. Send them faxes, emails etc.
    So when they vote they know that what are issues for legal immigrants.

    If you don't then you won't get anything. It is that simple.



    buddy nice post , did u get a chance to discuss any of our issues with the congressman?


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    08-15 08:25 AM

    If I am working with X company & Y company is ready to file GC.
    (Assuming Y has no objections even if I do not join the company at all)
    Is it mandatory for the candidate to join company Y at certain stage which has file GC?
    I would appreciate your comments.


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  • gc28262
    03-13 10:45 AM
    Received a mail for myself and my wife. welcome to USA. But no email from CRIS.

    Congrats !

    What a way to announce it :D


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  • indyanguy
    09-11 10:30 AM
    So, is MS + 2 the safest way to go? Also, what is the min. salary requirement that DOL accepts if a job requires MS + 2 (say in CA).

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  • vybe3142
    07-25 12:59 PM
    Congratulations on you new job. Like others have suggested - make sure you do a good job of sending our AC21 docs - now that you know that your employer is going to revoke I140. Also be ready for any RFE / NOID and prepare your documentation before hand.

    Good luck.

    Thanks, ..
    What kind of documentation do I need to keep handy in case of RFE?


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  • saketkapur
    10-11 01:00 PM
    I would suggest you talk to a good immigration attorney or post your query in "Ask the Lawyer Section".
    Just some you still have a valid H1B until 2012, I would suggest that you should apply for EAD/AP asap and start using the same rather than just depend on H1B...if that is possible.....

    PS:I am not an attorney so this suggestion should not be considered legal advice...every case is to an immigration attorney

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  • sunny1000
    03-23 01:55 PM

    Old I-94 expiration date was January 3, 2010, and new I-94 started from October 18, 2010.

    Ask your lawyer if you can get the I-94 corrected Nunc Pro Tunc.

    MurthyDotCom : Nunc Pro Tunc H1B and H-4 Cases Approved (

    Good luck to you.


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  • nozerd
    01-17 01:55 PM
    Check website of consulate. I know Houston consulate webiste is

    You will have to go to the one in your jurisdiction.

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  • shreekhand
    08-03 12:39 AM
    Well...most of the applications who applied for I-485 before retrogression hit in 2005 are already approved. So actually we are not seeing an effect of those applications.

    What we are witnessing is the effect of all those who could not apply for I-485 from early 2001 till now because of the combined effect of retrogression and BEC! And as if that was not enough all those with PD's up until July 31, 2007 are applying (good for them) but making matters even difficult!!!

    We are now seeing the effects of all those applications. Does this make any sense. It's some interesting pattern but I am not completely able to analyze the situation. Any inputs??


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  • gcdreamer05
    11-03 10:15 AM
    I would recommend to extend H1-B, if the employer is paying for it. Extended travel on AP is tricky, but its not an issue with H1-B. If there is no extended travel plans (e.g. Working for three months from another country, or 3 month leave spent in another country etc), then there is no advantage to have H1-B.

    An interesting question may be, if this will count towards the lifetime cap of 12 years of H1B? That I don't know.


    Hi, never heard of the lifetime cap of 12 years of h1b, can you please provide any link or any info about this ?

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  • bsbawa10
    09-15 05:13 PM
    Love the idea. I will follow.


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  • prabirmehta
    04-17 12:04 PM
    I don't know when exactly your case was filed. I was originally planning to file mine in summer 2005 but my attorney mentioned that there were a lot of errors and delays in the system at that time and recommended I hold off. I ended up filing in December 2005 and got approved in 2 months.

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  • njdude26
    08-26 12:35 PM
    Does MBA help you qualify under STEM?

    Is it accredited university?

    You will get some relief if SKIL goes through because so many people will be exempted from cap. why do you want to break your back by studying for another degree whihc you are not interested 100%i dont know if i will be breaking my back ! i think it will just make my pocket lighter !

    how do i find out which univerisity is accredited or not ?

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  • nozerd
    09-07 09:34 AM
    Just to clarify I will not be working in US at all. I will only work in Canada and getting paid in Canada. I will only come to US for personal reasons (meeting fly etc) not work. Can I use the H1 stamp to enter under those circumstances.

    04-05 08:30 AM
    Yeah I will consult a lawyer but before i contact him just want to make sure whatever my employer is explaining is correct or not..

    Thanks for your valuable advice.

    09-07 08:20 PM
    you also should note that the writer does not talk about NRE / FCNR accounts at all. The interest income from these accounts has been declared completely exempt (no matter how much) from income tax. So on one hand you have accounts which are completely exempt and on the other (NRO) you are going to tax more???

    NRE account has much lower interest rate compared to NRO like 3% vs 8%. FCNR by definition is low interest rate very close to what native country of FCNR currency offers.

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