Sunday, June 26, 2011

earth tattoos

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  • sonu_Aug_2002
    02-12 01:56 PM
    So far $50.

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  • ca_immigrant
    12-19 07:32 PM
    This is Pat B 's broken record. He has lost all his credibility during all these years of immigrant bashing. He can write as many of them but other than red necks, no one is impressed. He is 71 years old and in couple years he will be gone. Old age brings some mental issues with it. age brings some mental issues....I like that ;)

    take it easy folks....just ignore what Pat B@#$#@% wrote.......
    only a jacka** (who probably does not want to work hard) like Pat would be worried about loosing his job to others.....

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  • mchundi
    07-28 10:17 AM
    Thanks for the reply Mchundi, however, if i CHANGE the job does the rule for a 3 year H1B STILL apply? I mean how does the 3 year thing apply to me? I only have a little over 1 year on this current H1 (out of SIX years).

    All this was discussed a few times in this thread and other threads as well.

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  • arrarrgee
    07-17 02:20 PM
    Its actually Her...:) Murthy is a She

    Screw Murthy !!! I have never seen him picking up any good news.


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  • asanghi
    08-31 12:21 PM
    Before voting, I saw the poll results, it said total number of votes = 9345. Then I voted "yes". The total no of votes still stands at 9345.

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  • venky08
    07-27 02:52 PM
    Related to the questions on this thread.

    What happens when:
    AOS has been filed and it is more than 180 days AND
    dependent has started working on EAD AND
    primary applicant loses job

    Case 1: primary applicant is also on EAD
    Case 2: primary applicant continues on H1 without using EAD

    Do the primary applicant and/or spouse become out of status in either of these situations? Can the primary applicant invoke AC21 and look for another job - how much time does he/she have? i.e. does the AOS filing provide primary applicant a cushion in case of job loss?

    the key is that in any case, if the applicant does not have a H1-B backup and is solely relying on EAD, then he/she needs to make sure that the I-485 should not be denied. because if it does, it automatically makes the applicants out of status forcing them to leave the country. so it is always safe to have H1-B status maintained eventhough you have EAD. my2c


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  • mambarg
    08-05 11:44 PM
    I took some time to compile the list of INDIA only EB3 and EB2 categories for past 2 years and from the trend, it is very easy to predict the Oct bulletin.
    It does not need a attorney or spies. You just need to work up the numbers.
    I did this only for INDIA. Any chinese can complile it for China.

    Aug 05 C 01APR01
    Sep 05 C U
    Oct 05 01NOV99 01JAN98
    Nov 05 01NOV99 01JAN98
    Dec 05 01JUL00 1-Jan-99
    Jan 06 01JAN01 01JUN99
    Feb 06 01AUG01 01JAN00
    Mar 06 01JAN02 01JAN01
    Apr 06 01JUL02 01FEB01
    May 06 01JAN03 01MAR01
    Jun 06 01JAN03 08APR01
    Jul 06 01JAN03 15APR01
    Aug 06 U 01APR01
    Sep 06 U 15APR01
    Oct 06 15JUN02 22-Apr-01
    Nov 06 01JAN03 APRIL01
    Dec 06 08JAN03
    Jan 07 Jan03 May01
    Feb 07 Jan03 May01
    Mar 07 Jan03 May01
    Apr 07 Jan03 May01
    May 07 Jan03 May01
    Jun 07 Apr04 Jun03
    Jul 07 C C
    Aug 07 U U
    Sep 07 Jan03 May01
    Oct 07 Jan03 May01
    Nov 07 Jul03 June02
    Dec 07 Jul03 Jun02
    Jan 08 Jan04 Jun02
    Feb 08 Jan04 Jun02

    Here is my analysis.

    Bulletin dates moves by six months as max jump for EB2 and 1 month for EB3.
    Begining of New year in Oct, they conservatively pull back the numbers so as to flush out pending apps.
    Now since they have already flushed apps in June/July, in Nov they will move EB2 by six months and possibly either stop there or make it one full year by moving it by another six months.
    For EB3, they like to get it stuck at mid year so Jun02.

    Guys, give a thought to this trend and see if you can guess more accurately.

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  • ashwinicool67
    04-27 07:18 PM

    I have been on H1 for last 3 years and had applied for 485 last july as dependant for my spouse's AOS. My spouse is primary applicant for 485. I have my EAD also. I am worried that I may get RFE if I file for an H1 extension. If I am not able to respond to RFE and my H1 extension gets denied will this affect my I-485 in anyway. I am wondering whether or not to apply for H1 extension and just use my EAD.


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  • eb3India
    05-22 09:22 AM

    I do understand core members have fulltime job I mentioned earlier I volunteer to do some research in this subject.

    However I don't want re-invent the wheel and I was expecting a very simple answers and pointers on the subject

    for example, if someone had spent time on this, they could simply answer yes and provide some links etc where I get more answers.

    as I write I am googling on this subject and will provide my findings

    between, guys we are all in a same boat we should work collective to get out of this mess

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  • arnab221
    03-18 10:32 AM
    Hello :

    Does the core team who have their boots in Washington have any knowledge of the date when the CIR will be introduced by Mr Kennedy . Days have turned to weeks then to months and we have been just hearing stories of the bill getting introduced "Next Week ".The press is spilling gallons of ink and the onliners are creating Gigabytes of forum data on Immigration Legislation and its outcomes, but nothing seems to come out of Capitol Hill , they are just going around in circles .Are they actually going to do something this year or is it just another eyewash ?


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  • reddymjm
    03-12 09:49 AM
    Good one

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  • gcdreamer05
    01-21 01:22 PM
    Man wish it was true, or atleast let them make the damn thing current again so that i can file 485 for my wife.... atleast she gets EAD to start working......... and i can also get stimulus benefit...


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  • still_waiting
    05-18 11:33 AM
    It's working for me.... report covered issues very well .

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  • s.m.srinivas
    03-31 10:42 PM
    Company A in my case has not revoked my H1B, it's still in valid status. I had been to India too & I came back with same VISA on MARCH 12 2009. I have mentioned in the post also.
    "snathan", can you tell me what are the options for me now in this situation?


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  • reddy_73
    10-03 08:31 AM

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  • waitnwatch
    05-17 10:44 PM
    That is true. This thing called "special handling" in common parlance is, thank god, not a hot topic of discussion. I hope this clause doesn't get weeded out given the current scenario where they have killed F4. I really wonder if "highly skilled" legal immigrants would ultimately get any benefit out of this bill. Limboland is where many people are - and at the end of the day you still get to live in Limboland and become its citizens by default.

    My two cents! :( :(


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  • hydubadi
    02-03 12:32 PM

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  • jnraajan
    03-20 10:04 AM
    Ok move over Prez elections..what happens in 09 after the Prez election..the current senate is the same..which refuses to pass any immi bill..just because the Prez elections will get over this year..why are we expecting that next year any bill will pass??..

    So Lobby , more lobbying and extreme the way to go..!!I dont see any other way out;)

    Why we are expecting that something next year? One Word. Politics. The current congress will not do anything now, because, they dont want to alienate 1 particular group during an election year. Now, I am not saying that they will do anything in '09. But, with more lobbying, we might see some success.

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  • eb2_485_mess
    08-29 06:45 PM
    did you ask them if the processing date on the website includes applications received on July 2 also? I know it is not clear... but maybe if you had asked them...?

    08-15 05:33 PM
    Couldn't resist opening a new thread and sharing this with fellow IVians.

    We got our green cards today. It is actually green (in the back).

    Another announcement is that I recently relocated to northern Mississippi. Would like to join up with other state chapter members. I am willing to coordinate with the group in Memphis TN.

    Thanks IV. I and my spouse benefited a lot from the July 2007VB and the work IV did concerning it. So, I will do more than just stick around but continue to be active as usual. The system is still broken and we will have to work to fix it.

    Hearty Congratulations..and please continue to support IV

    08-08 10:41 PM
    Yep.. Cheer up however we can.

    note to myself: obessesion with anything is no good. Don't check back at this site ten times every hour.


    good one my friend...but even with SKIL how many of us are already sooooooooo frustrated and sick of waiting that we / they may still think twice about enduring the famous I-485 stage nuances (name checks, background checks and all other checks) and with all that in mind still decide to 'hang in' and eventually get GC ..?

    Anyways, I'm afraid GC just turned into a great 'Waiting for Godot' situation - but we haven't realized it yet :rolleyes:

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